Friday, August 26, 2011

Week 10.Final Reflection

This amazing course is almost finished. It was very fruitful for me. I think I was fortunate to be selected to attend this course, it was a great opportunity to learn and to improve my teaching process. I would like to thanks the University of Oregon for this. I would like to thanks Robert for his guidance and help.

I have tried my best to learn more about technology in teaching English language. I spent time reading materials suggested, planned to try new technology and saved good materials, bookmarked wonderful web links for my teaching. All the topics of the course was very useful. I would like to use WebQuest, Rubrics, ANVILL, Nicenet and many others tools  and resources in my future work.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Week 9. Technology and MI.

After reading this week materials about technology and MI I agree with Mykola that "our teaching practice must be enriched with all sort of learning styles according not only to the teacher's preferences but also to learners' needs". In magazine "Forum" I have read about MI some years ago and from that time I try to use different learning styles in my practice.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Week 8:Reflection

As Nagwa said, this week was overwhelming. We need to explore many new tools and create some exercises or sites. I created a class on Nicenet. Class name: English for Telecoms and IT. Class key: T3Z9779EZ00. It's for my project group. Also I explored ANVILL with it's amazing tools such as Voiceboard, TCast, Livechat). I created an account there and in a couple of days will create a course.I am going to use this site in my future work for developing students listening and speaking skills.

Much time was devoted to writing draft project and peer reading. But it still need improvement.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Week 7: Learner Autonomy and One-computer Class

This week I read Thanasoulas and Sheu articles about learner autonomy. I agree with them that the very important role of the teachers are giving their students a " helping hand''. I will use in my future work students self-reports or diaries.
Also this week I read about activities for one computer classroom and created a sample activity.
We agreed with Tatiana to be partners to our projects.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Week 5: Alternative Assessment and PBL

Week 5 was very busy. I read about  Aiternative Assessment (checklist and different types of Rubrics). At the RubiStar I created my first rubric. Rubric is a wonderful way to clarify expectations for holistic grading. Students will be more motivated when they get rubrics before they begin the task. Having read articles about PBL and WebQuest, I decided to use them in my future work with my students. I start to create WebQuest to my students at Zunal.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Week 4. Reading/Writing Skills and Technology-enhanced Lesson Plan

It was another frutful week. I have read article  Jarek Krajka "Using the Internet in the ESL Writing Instruction". The author gives  us very easy to follow instructions how to teach writing genres with the help of the Internet. The next academic year I will use some of them with my students. But before that as Krajka said I need to answer the following questions : "Why I should incorporate on-line lessons into the curriculum? What are the benefits of such a method in comparison with traditional instruction? How is the Internet component fit into the syllabus?". The activities which present Mei-Ya Liang in "Three Extensive Reading Activities for ESL/EFL Students Using E-books" will improve reading, writing and thinking skills of the students.

We continue to explore websites. I like Breaking News English ( It has activities on the themes Technology and Business English which fit the objectives of my students. Lauri's ESL Website ( is also a great bank of activities and it is easy to navigate.

I think that many teachers do not like to write lesson plans because they have not appropriate template and do not understand how to write correctly. Basic Lesson Plan  model from the University of Tennessee will helps  both beginning teacher and experience once.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Skill-building Websites and Delicious

This week we explore different websites for oral/aural skills and read some articles. Lindsay Miller in her article "Developing Listening Skills with Authentic Material" suggest the format of pre-, while-, and post-listening activities for helping learners develop their listening skills. I agree that such type of activities very useful with authentic materials delivered through technological media. As for the sites , the  and  fit the objectives of my students.
After reading the instructions about using I create my own Delicious site and now may save bookmarks.

Week 2

Last week we analize the search engines in terms of use in our own class. This task was very interesting and informative. I want to thank all friends for so many useful links and ideas. I will use Noodletools with my students  and share the information with colleagues.
Another task was to learn how to write ABCD (audience, behavior,conditions, degree) objective.  We learned that "clear objectives can help the instructor design lessons that would be easier for the student to comprehend and the teacher to evaluate".(Jones,1997).

Friday, June 24, 2011

Webskills. Week 1.

I created the blog some month ago, but didn't use it. Now it will be a place for
 the weekly reflections on what I have done during the course and comments
of others. This week I was busy, because we had the examination session at
the University. I hope that next week I will spend more time on the tasks of the