Friday, June 24, 2011

Webskills. Week 1.

I created the blog some month ago, but didn't use it. Now it will be a place for
 the weekly reflections on what I have done during the course and comments
of others. This week I was busy, because we had the examination session at
the University. I hope that next week I will spend more time on the tasks of the


  1. Hi Svitlana

    Great job with this. Yes, I also have started to use a new tool but not had a authentic purpose for using it, and have thus set it aside. Now you do have a real reason for keeping a blog. I believe this is the best way to learn.


  2. Hi Svitlana,

    I was also busy teaching a summer course. I have finished today and plan to do my best in this course. I am starting to see a bigger picture in the way one can construct a module for students. Technology is really exciting and fun to use in class, but it needs time, thought and prior preparation to reach our objectives.
