Sunday, August 14, 2011

Week 8:Reflection

As Nagwa said, this week was overwhelming. We need to explore many new tools and create some exercises or sites. I created a class on Nicenet. Class name: English for Telecoms and IT. Class key: T3Z9779EZ00. It's for my project group. Also I explored ANVILL with it's amazing tools such as Voiceboard, TCast, Livechat). I created an account there and in a couple of days will create a course.I am going to use this site in my future work for developing students listening and speaking skills.

Much time was devoted to writing draft project and peer reading. But it still need improvement.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Svitlana
    Yes, a lot of good stuff, and projects too. Well, I hope you will leave the course with a full shopping bag, all stocked up with things you can use for a long time.
